1.x version


The Portfolio extension allows you to create Portfolio section on your site.


In the config.php file, you can set the portfolio Gallery and Featured Image sizes.

$cfg['image_sizes'] = array(
    'featured-image' => array(
        'width'  => 227,
        'height' => 142,
        'crop'   => true
    'gallery-image'  => array(
        'width'  => 474,
        'height' => 241,
        'crop'   => true


  • fw_ext_portfolio_post_slug - portfolio custom post slug

     * @internal
    function _filter_custom_portfolio_post_slug($slug) {
        return 'work';
    add_filter('fw_ext_portfolio_post_slug', '_filter_custom_portfolio_post_slug');
  • fw_ext_portfolio_taxonomy_slug - portfolio taxonomy slug

     * @internal
    function _filter_custom_portfolio_tax_slug($slug) {
        return 'works';
    add_filter('fw_ext_portfolio_taxonomy_slug', '_filter_custom_portfolio_tax_slug');
  • fw_ext_projects_post_type_name - portfolio custom post labels (plural and singular)

     * @internal
    function _filter_portfolio_labels($labels) {
        $labels = array(
            'singular' => __('Custom Project', 'fw'),
            'plural'   => __('Custom Projects', 'fw'),
        return $labels;
    add_filter('fw_ext_projects_post_type_name', '_filter_portfolio_labels');
  • fw_ext_portfolio_category_name - portfolio taxonomy labels (plural and singular)

     * @internal
    function portfolio_tax_labels_names( $labels ) {
        $labels = array(
            'singular' => __( 'Custom Category', 'fw' ),
            'plural'   => __( 'Custom Categories', 'fw' ),
        return $labels;
    add_filter( 'fw_ext_portfolio_category_name', 'portfolio_tax_labels_names' );


Templates are located in the views/ directory. Here is the list of templates that you can customize:

  • archive.php - portfolio archive.
  • taxonomy.php - portfolio taxonomy.
  • single.php - portfolio single post.