1.x version

Create Option TypeΒΆ

To define a new option type, create a class that extends the base option type class and register it.

class FW_Option_Type_New extends FW_Option_Type
    protected function get_type()
        return 'new';

     * @internal
    protected function _enqueue_static($id, $option, $data)
            'fw-option-'. $this->get_type(),
                '/includes/options-types/'. $this->get_type() .'/static/css/styles.css'

            'fw-option-'. $this->get_type(),
                '/includes/options-types/'. $this->get_type() .'/static/js/scripts.js'
            array('fw-events', 'jquery')

     * @internal
    protected function _render($id, $option, $data)
         * $data['value'] contains value that should be used.
         * We decide if it's correct and how to use it in html
        $option['attr']['value'] = (string)$data['value'];

         * $option['attr'] contains all attributes.
         * Main (wrapper) option html element should have "id" and "class" attribute.
         * All option types should have in main element the class "fw-option-type-{$type}".
         * Every javascript and css in that option should use that class.
         * Remaining attributes you can:
         *  1. use them all in main element (if option itself has no input elements)
         *  2. use them in input element (if option has input element that contains option value)
         * In this case we will use second option.

        $wrapper_attr = array(
            'id'    => $option['attr']['id'],
            'class' => $option['attr']['class'],


        $html  = '<div '. fw_attr_to_html($wrapper_attr) .'>';
        $html .= '<input '. fw_attr_to_html($option['attr']) .' type="text" />';
        $html .= '<button class="button">'. __('Clear text', 'fw') .'<button/>';
        $html .= '</div>';

        return $html;

     * @internal
    protected function _get_value_from_input($option, $input_value)
         * In this method we receive $input_value (from form submit or whatever)
         * and we should return correct and safe value that will be stored in database.
         * $input_value can be null.
         * In this case we should use default value from $option['value']

        if (is_null($input_value)) {
            $input_value = $option['value'];

        return (string)$input_value;

     * @internal
    protected function _get_defaults()
         * These are default parameters that will be merged with option array.
         * They makes possible that any option has
         * only one required parameter array('type' => 'new').

        return array(
            'value' => ''

 * Prefix (namespace) all css rules with ".fw-option-type-{$option_type}"
 * This guarantees that there will be no conflicts with other styles.

.fw-option-type-new input {
    background-color: green;
    color: white;

.fw-option-type-new button {
    display: block;
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    var optionTypeClass = '.fw-option-type-new';

     * Listen to special event that is triggered for uninitialized elements
    fwEvents.on('fw:options:init', function (data) {
         * data.$elements are jQuery selected elements
         * that contains options html that needs to be initialized
         * Find our uninitialized options by main class
        var $options = data.$elements.find(optionTypeClass +':not(.initialized)');

         * Add some functionality to our options
         * In this case, we will listen for button click and clear input value
        $options.on('click', 'button', function(){

         * After everything has done, mark options as initialized