latest version


This extension adds a fully fledged Events module to your theme. It comes with built in pages that contain a calendar where events can be added.


  • fw_theme_ext_events_after_content - adding some html after the content

    /** @internal */
    function _action_theme_fw_ext_events_render_html($post) {
        if (!empty($post) and $post === fw()->extensions->get( 'events' )->get_post_type_name() ) {
            echo '<div>'. __('Hello world', '{domain}') .'</div>';
    add_action('fw_theme_ext_events_after_content', '_action_theme_fw_ext_events_render_html');
  • fw_ext_events_post_slug - event custom post slug

    /** @internal */
    function _filter_theme_fw_ext_events_custom_events_post_slug($slug) {
        return 'event';
    add_filter('fw_ext_events_post_slug', '_filter_theme_fw_ext_events_custom_events_post_slug');
  • fw_ext_events_taxonomy_slug - event taxonomy slug

    /** @internal */
    function _filter_theme_fw_ext_events_custom_events_taxonomy_slug($slug) {
        return 'events';
    add_filter('fw_ext_events_taxonomy_slug', '_filter_theme_fw_ext_events_custom_events_taxonomy_slug');
  • fw_ext_events_post_type_name - event custom post labels (plural and singular)

    /** @internal */
    function _filter_theme_fw_ext_events_event_labels($labels) {
        $labels = array(
            'singular' => __('Custom Event', '{domain}'),
            'plural'   => __('Custom Events', '{domain}'),
        return $labels;
    add_filter('fw_ext_events_post_type_name', '_filter_theme_fw_ext_events_event_labels');
  • fw_ext_events_category_name - event taxonomy labels (plural and singular)

    /** @internal */
    function _filter_theme_fw_ext_events_event_tax_labels_names($labels) {
        $labels = array(
            'singular' => __( 'Custom Category', '{domain}' ),
            'plural'   => __( 'Custom Categories', '{domain}' ),
        return $labels;
    add_filter( 'fw_ext_events_category_name', '_filter_theme_fw_ext_events_event_tax_labels_names' );
  • fw_ext_events_post_options - custom options for event

    /** @internal */
    function _filter_theme_fw_ext_events_custom_options($options) {
        return array_merge($options, array(
            'events_tab_1' => array(
                'title'   => __('Test title', '{domain}'),
                'type'    => 'tab',
                'options' => array(
                    'demo_text_id' => array(
                        'type'  => 'text',
                        'label' => __('Demo Text label', '{domain}'),
                        'desc'  => __('Demo text description', '{domain}'),
    add_filter('fw_ext_events_post_options', '_filter_theme_fw_ext_events_custom_options');


Templates are located in the views/ directory. Here is the list of templates that you can customize:

  • single.php - Events single post template. By default is used single.php from the theme root directory, you can overwrite it by creating framework-customizations/extensions/events/views/single.php.
  • taxonomy.php - Events category template. By default is used taxonomy.php from the theme root directory, you can overwrite it by creating framework-customizations/extensions/events/views/taxonomy.php.
  • content.php - Default events single page template content. It is loaded if the framework-customizations/extensions/events/views/single.php doesn’t exist and is used single.php from the theme root directory. The content of this view is rendered using worpdress the_content filter, when the event single page is loaded.

Events Tags

A way to process events search tags.

Frontend render

There are some ways you can display an event in frontend:

The events-tags extension automatically connects to the [calendar] and [map] shortcodes, which is available in Drag & Drop page builder in the Content Elements tab.

Also it can be rendered from code - the shortcode [map] has public method 'render_custom' that you can use to render a map on frontend.

$shortcode_map = fw()->extensions->get('shortcodes')->get_shortcode('map');

if (!empty($shortcode_map)) {
    echo $shortcode_map->render_custom(
                'title' => __('Some Title', '{domain}'),
                'url' => '',
                'description' => __('Some description', '{domain}'),
                'thumb' => array('attachment_id' => get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ) ),
                'location' => array(
                    'coordinates' => array(
                        'lat' => '-34',
                        'lng' => '150'