General PHP helpers:
- styled version of print_r()
.fw_html_tag($tag, array $attr, $end = null)
- generate html tag.
echo fw_html_tag('script', array('src' => '/demo.js'), true); // <script src="/demo.js"></script>
fw_attr_to_html(array $attr_array)
- generate html attributes from array.
echo '<div '. fw_attr_to_html(array('id' => 'foo', 'class' => 'bar')) .'></div>'; // <div id="foo" class="bar" ></div>
fw_akg($keys, &$array_or_object, $default_value = null, $keys_delimiter = '/')
- get array multikey value.
MultiKey is a string composed from multiple array keys, separated by a delimiter character, that represents an array structure. For example
array( 'a' => array( 'b' => array( 'c' => null ) ) )$demo = array( 'a' => array( 'b' => 'hello' ) ); echo fw_akg('a/b', $demo); // 'hello'
fw_aks($keys, $value, &$array_or_object, $keys_delimiter = '/')
- set a multikey value in array.
$demo = array( 'a' => array() ); fw_aks('a/b', 'hello', $demo); print_r($demo); /* array( 'a' => array( 'b' => 'hello' ) ) */
fw_aku($keys, &$array_or_object, $keys_delimiter = '/')
- unset a multikey from array.
$demo = array( 'a' => array( 'b' => array() ) ); fw_aku('a/b', $demo); print_r($demo); /* array( 'a' => array() ) */
- generate a random md5.fw_unique_increment()
- random number incremented every time you call the function.
echo fw_unique_increment(), PHP_EOL; echo fw_unique_increment(), PHP_EOL; echo fw_unique_increment(), PHP_EOL; /* 9370 9371 9372 */
- strip slashes (recursive) from values and keys (if value is array) if magic_quotes_gpc = On
- add slashes (recursive) to values and keys (if value is array) if magic_quotes_gpc = On
- check if current global $current_screen;
(available in admin side) matches the given rules. Used to detect on which admin page you currently are. Thus you can for example enqueue a script only on a target page, not on all admin pages.
/** * @internal */ function _action_enqueue_demo_admin_scripts() { // To find out what is the current screen of the current page, uncomment next line //global $current_screen; fw_print($current_screen); $only = array( 'only' => array( array( 'id' => 'dashboard' ) ) ); if (fw_current_screen_match($only)) { // enqueue this script only on dashboard page wp_enqueue_script( 'demo-dashboard', get_template_directory_uri() .'/js/demo-only.js' ); } $exclude = array( 'exclude' => array( array( 'id' => 'dashboard' ), array( 'post_type' => 'post' ) ) ); if (fw_current_screen_match($exclude)) { // enqueue this script on all admin pages // except dashboard page and all pages from posts menu (add, edit, categories, tags) wp_enqueue_script( 'demo-dashboard', get_template_directory_uri() .'/js/demo-excluded.js' ); } } add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', '_action_enqueue_demo_admin_scripts');Note
You can combine
in the same rules array.
- search by relative path, in child then in parent theme directory, and return URI.
echo fw_locate_theme_path_uri('/styles.css'); //
- search by relative path, in child then in parent theme directory, and return full path.
echo fw_locate_theme_path('/styles.css'); // /var/www/wordpress/public_html/wp-content/themes/child-theme/style.css
fw_render_view($file_path, $view_variables = array())
- safe render view and return html. In view will be accessible only passed variables, not current context variables.
$private = 'Top Secret'; echo fw_render_view( get_stylesheet_directory() .'/demo-view.php', array('message' => 'Hello') ); /* demo-view.php <?php if (!defined('FW')) die('Forbidden'); echo $message; echo $private; */ // Hello // Notice: Undefined variable: private
fw_get_variables_from_file($file_path, array $variables)
- extract specified variables from file.
$variables = fw_get_variables_from_file( get_stylesheet_directory() .'/demo-variables.php', array( 'message' => 'Hi', 'foo' => 'bar' ) ); /* demo-variables.php <?php if (!defined('FW')) die('Forbidden'); $message = 'Hello'; */ print_r($variables); /* array( 'message' => 'Hello', 'foo' => 'bar' ) */
- include files isolated and don’t give access to current context variables.
$private = 'Top Secret'; fw_include_file_isolated(get_stylesheet_directory() .'/demo-isolated.php'); /* demo-isolated.php <?php if (!defined('FW')) die('Forbidden'); echo $private; */ // Notice: Undefined variable: private
- convert html name
attribute to multikey.
echo fw_html_attr_name_to_array_multi_key('a[b][c]'); // 'a/b/c'
- generate current page url from $_SERVER
- check if a domain name is valid.fw_htmlspecialchars($string)
- UTF-8 version of php’s htmlspecialchars()
. Just a shorthand not to write two more parameters for default htmlspecialchars()
every time.
In php 5.2
default encoding is not UTF-8.
- convert seconds to human readable time.
echo fw_human_time(12345); // '3 hours'
- convert bytes to human readable size.
echo fw_human_bytes(12345); // '2.06 KB'
- UTF-8 version of php’s strlen()
echo strlen('Привет!'), PHP_EOL; echo fw_strlen('Привет!'), PHP_EOL; // 13 // 7
- make sure a path is in unix style, with /
directory separators.fw_get_stylesheet_customizations_directory()
- Full path to the child-theme/framework-customizations directory.fw_get_stylesheet_customizations_directory_uri()
- URI to the child-theme/framework-customizations directory.fw_get_template_customizations_directory()
- Full path to the parent-theme/framework-customizations directory.fw_get_template_customizations_directory_uri()
- URI to the parent-theme/framework-customizations directory.fw_get_framework_directory()
- Full path to the parent-theme/framework directory.fw_get_framework_directory_uri()
- URI to the parent-theme/framework directoryFunctions for working with options:
fw_extract_only_options(array $options)
- extract only regular options from any array of options.
$options = array( array( 'type' => 'box', 'options' => array( 'demo-1' => array( 'type' => 'text' ) ) ), array( 'type' => 'box', 'options' => array( array( 'type' => 'tab', 'options' => array( 'demo-2' => array( 'type' => 'textarea' ) ) ) ) ) ); print_r( fw_extract_only_options($options) ); /* array( 'demo-1' => array( 'type' => 'text' ), 'demo-2' => array( 'type' => 'textarea' ) ) */
fw_get_options_values_from_input(array $options, $input_array = null)
- extract options values from input array. If no input array is provided, values from $_POST
will be used.
$options = array( 'demo-1' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'default value 1' ), 'demo-2' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'default value 2' ), ); $input_values = array( 'demo-1' => 'input value 1', 'demo-3' => 'input value 3', ); $values = fw_get_options_values_from_input($options, $input_values); print_r($values); /* array( 'demo-1' => 'input value 1', 'demo-2' => 'default value 2', ) */
- by default WordPress offers filters for other plugins to alter database options and post meta. For ex translation plugins use these filters to translate things. If you save your options values in a custom place (like framework does by default, by saving options in a serialized array in database options and post meta) the WordPress filter doesn’t know how to work with them.
Use this function to pass an option value through filters and translation features that simulates WordPress default behavior. This function is already used in core so you don’t have to bother about passing options values through it each time. Use it if you will do something custom and strings will not be translated.
fw_get_db_settings_option($option_id, $default_value = null)
- get value from the database of an option from the theme settings page.
Settings options are located in framework-customizations/theme/options/settings.php
.fw_set_db_settings_option($option_id, $value)
- set a value in the database for an option from the theme settings page.fw_get_db_customizer_option($option_id, $default_value = null)
- get value from the database of an option from the customizer page.
Customizer options are located in framework-customizations/theme/options/customizer.php
.fw_set_db_customizer_option($option_id, $value)
- set a value in the database for an option from the customizer page.fw_get_db_post_option($post_id, $option_id, $default_value = null)
- get a post option value from the database.
Post options are located in framework-customizations/theme/options/posts/{post-type}.php
.fw_set_db_post_option($post_id, $option_id, $value)
- set a post option value in the database.fw_get_db_term_option($term_id, $taxonomy, $option_id, $default_value = null)
- get a term option value from the database.
Term options are located in framework-customizations/theme/options/taxonomies/{taxonomy}.php
.fw_set_db_term_option($term_id, $taxonomy, $option_id, $value)
- set a term option value in the database.fw_get_db_ext_settings_option($extension_name, $option_id, $default_value = null)
- get extension settings option value from the database.fw_set_db_ext_settings_option($extension_name, $option_id, $value)
- update extension settings option value in the database.fw_get_db_extension_data($extension_name, $key, $default_value = null)
- get a value from the database of some private data stored by an extension.fw_set_db_extension_data($extension_name, $key, $value)
- extensions uses this function to store private values in the database.