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Icon v2

    'type'  => 'icon-v2',

     * small | medium | large | sauron
     * Yes, sauron. Definitely try it. Great one.
    'preview_size' => 'medium',

     * small | medium | large
    'modal_size' => 'medium',

     * There's no point in configuring value from code here.
     * I'll document the result you get in the frontend here:
     * 'value' => array(
     *   'type' => 'icon-font', // icon-font | custom-upload
     *   // ONLY IF icon-font
     *   'icon-class' => '',
     *   'icon-class-without-root' => false,
     *   'pack-name' => false,
     *   'pack-css-uri' => false
     *   // ONLY IF custom-upload
     *   // 'attachment-id' => false,
     *   // 'url' => false
     * ),

    'attr'  => array( 'class' => 'custom-class', 'data-foo' => 'bar' ),
    'label' => __('Label', '{domain}'),
    'desc'  => __('Description', '{domain}'),
    'help'  => __('Help tip', '{domain}'),

Default value is not really supported, because of the complexity of the data that this option type holds.

The second version of the first Icon option type. It was improved a lot in terms of both UI and extensibility. The user will be able to filter through a list of icon packs and also upload his own icon. The result value will contain type field and it will contain the type of the selected content. It can be icon-font or custom-upload. You’ll also get favorite icon functionallity which will work out of the box.


You’ll have to enable SVG uploads by yourself, with a hook in your theme.

By default, we have just 6 icon packs enabled and served with Unyson itself.


By default, none of this packs will be enqueued in the frontend of your theme.

You should call this in order to enqueue them: fw()->backend->option_type('icon-v2')->packs_loader->enqueue_frontend_css();

Configure Icon Packs

Icon V2 is easily extensible with a couple of filters you can hook into. First, you may want to configure which of the already registered packs we should display into the picker.

function _custom_packs_list($current_packs) {
     * $current_packs is an array of pack names.
     * You should return which one you would like to show in the picker.
    return array('font-awesome', 'unycon');

add_filter('fw:option_type:icon-v2:filter_packs', '_custom_packs_list');


That’s a global hook which changes behavior for all pickers. Configuring packs per picker is not available and will not be implemented later. If you have some particular use case for this, please fill an issue.

Add Icon Pack

Long story short, you can add more packs by filtering on fw:option_type:icon-v2:packs filter. Simplest example, all of the keys are required:

add_filter('fw:option_type:icon-v2:packs', '_add_my_pack');

function _add_my_pack($default_packs) {
     * No fear. Defaults packs will be merged in back. You can't remove them.
     * Changing some flags for them is allowed.
    return array(
      'my_pack' => array(
        'name' => 'my_pack', // same as key
        'title' => 'My Cool Pack',
        'css_class_prefix' => 'my-pack',
        'css_file' => 'path_to_css_file',
        'css_file_uri' => 'network_accessible_url'

And this will just work for most of the cases. You don’t need to specify which icons specifically to show inside the picker. All of them will be showed, by default. In fact, there’s some magick going on that will extract all of your icons and show them up. I’ll try to make it clear below.

Computing icons list

By default, when you register an icon pack it’s icons will be extracted from the css file automatically, so that you don’t have to maintain a long array of icons for each pack. Instead we do some trick instead. We look into the css file for each pack and look for patterns that look like this:

.`css_class_prefix`-some-icon:before {
    content: '\266a';

css_class_prefix there refers to the css_class_prefix option you specified for your icon pack.

// Those will be considered an icon
.my-pack-some-icon:before { content: '\266a'; } { content: '\266a'; } { content: '\266a'; }

// This one won't { color: red; }

Generally speaking, that’s what an icon pack CSS file consist of:

  • @font-face rules
  • icon generations – we try hard to get just them
  • some other general purpose helpers – they’re encountered not that often

You can also completely stop this mechanism for one pack by specifying an array of icons for the icons option. A more complete pack definition can be found here.