1.x version


A way to allow users to control the design of some front end elements. This extension creates a page in Appearance > Customize menu.

Option Types

  • style - generates the styling settings. It should be used only once in settings options and has the following structure:

    'theme_style' => array(
        'label' => false,
        'type'  => 'style',
         * Must contain a list of predefined styles
         * that contains the name, icon and value for each block element
        'predefined' => $predefined = include_once( 'includes/predefined-styles.php' ),
         * Must contain the initial value for each element from each block
        'value' => $predefined['black']['blocks'],
         * Each key contains the necessary settings to stylize one or more blocks of the site
        'blocks' => array(
            'block-1' => array(
                'title' => __( 'Header', 'fw' ),
                 * Elements that can be controlled
                 * Allowed elements are: 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p', 'links', 'links_hover', 'background'
                'elements' => array( 'h1', 'links', 'links_hover', 'background' ),
                'css_selector' => array(
                    '.primary-navigation .mega-menu',
                    '.primary-navigation .mega-col',
                    '.primary-navigation .mega-row',
                 * Additional options that will be displayed in this block, before standard elements
                'before' => array(
                    'menu_border' => array(
                        'label' => __('Menu Border', 'fw'),
                        'desc'  => false,
                        'type'  => 'color-picker',
                        'value' => '#cccccc',
                 * Addition options that will be displayed in this block, after standard elements
                'after' => array(
                    // ...
            'block-2' => array(
                // ...

    An example of before option usage:

     * @internal
    function _action_print_additional_css() {
        $theme_style = fw_ext_styling_get('theme_style', '');
        $menu_border = (!empty($theme_style['blocks']['block-1']['before']['menu_border']))
            ? $theme_style['blocks']['header']['before']['menu_border']
            : '#cccccc';
        if (!empty($quick_css)) {
            echo ''.
            '<style type="text/css">'.
                '.primary-menu .mega-menu .mega-menu-col,'.
                '.primary-menu .mega-menu .mega-menu-row {'.
                '    border-color: '. $menu_border .';'.
    add_action( 'wp_head', '_action_print_additional_css', 100 );


The options that appear on the customization page are located in the extension’s directory /options/settings.php and can be overwritten by copying the file to framework-customizations/extensions/styling/options/settings.php in the child theme.


  • fw_ext_styling_get($option, $default = null) - a safe way of getting the value of an option from the styling extension.

    function _action_print_quick_css() {
        $quick_css = fw_ext_styling_get('quick_css', '');
        if (!empty($quick_css)) {
            echo '<style type="text/css">' . $quick_css . '</style>';
    add_action( 'wp_head', '_action_print_quick_css', 100 );